Anna Shahbazyan organized the All Star Dance Challenge, a prestigious ballroom dance competition held in San Jose, CA, on June 8, 2024. Now in its second year, the event featured a series of remarkable performances, highlighting the incredible talent and dedication of the participants. This memorable occasion further established the All Star Dance Challenge as a premier event in the ballroom dance community.
The organizer, Anna Shahbazyan
The All Star Dance Challenge featured two captivating sessions. Session 1, the Saturday Matinee, showcased American Rhythm (Pro/am, Mixed Am), International Latin (Pro/am, Mixed Am), and a variety of non-scholarship events for Teddy Bear, Preteen, Junior, and Youth categories across all styles. The session continued with International Ballroom (Pro/am, Mixed Am) and American Smooth (Pro/am, Mixed Am) performances.
Session 2, the Saturday Evening event, started at 7:00 PM and included a vibrant Nightclub segment. This session highlighted Junior and Youth Open 5 Dance and Scholarship events in all styles, as well as Adult Pre Novice, Novice, Prechamp, and Open Competitions. Additionally, it featured Open Adult Amateur and Senior events, captivating formations, and the Allstar Master of Syllabus, making the evening a spectacular culmination of talent and artistry.
Performing on dancefloor will be incredibly exciting, especially with the esteemed adjudicators and dazzling trophies awaiting!
If you missed this year's All Star Dance Challenge, start preparing for next year's excitement now. Stay updated with the latest news and announcements by following them on Facebook and regularly checking their official website.